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Thursday, January 15, 2009

January 15, 2009...Words....

Today's impressions from God... " I desire to be everything to you. I am God. I desire and expect no less. You are complete in Me. How can two walk unless they are in complete agreement with me? That is why my Son, Jesus, said you could ask and receive because you are not asking on your own behalf but you are asking on my behalf and I can't deny myself, my word, and my Son. Keep asking, keep receiving and keep walking in my love for you.
Your heavenly Father,

I think we all struggle at times with the image of God because of our relationships with our natural fathers...
"I am there with every father, walking, nudging, and offering advice. But not everyone listens. Be a listener, be a learner, be a watcher. Look quickly, I am there walking with you, talking with you, being a father to you. Let me be your father.
I love you"

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