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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Marriage...Two becoming One

I have made a (married) couple one one in each other and one in Me (God). When one falls, the other person can pick the one who has fallen up again. Allow yourself to be picked up, allow yourself to be helped, wow to the person who has no one to help him when he or she falls.
Genesis 2:24, This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Psalm 23, I shall not want, Part 2

"I shall not want" With an endless barrage of commercials, newspaper ads, and mailouts telling me what I need to purchase to make me happy and content, it's hard not to want. I will not want because I do not lack. I have everything I need to be content because my contentment and sustainment comes from my Shepherd, Jesus Christ. My Shepherd compared contentment to the flowers of the earth, noting that they lacked nothing and that their Shepherd cared and supplied for their life's necessities. And that if God cared enough to take care of the birds, He will abundantly care for and take care of me! Matthew 6:28 - 31, "And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you? You have so little faith! So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing."

  • What was God's role in your last major purchase? What would you have done differently?
  • Make a mental list of how God has provided for you and begin to thank him throughout your week.
  • Do I need to increase my tithes and offerings?
  • Pray and ask the Shepherd what he wants you to do with your next offering. An offering is an amount above and beyond your normal tithe. Perhaps this could be decided as a family project.
  • Go through your closets and donate at least one bag of items to your local Goodwill.

My Shepherd abundantly cares for all of my life's necessities. Dear Shepherd, thank you that you have provided for all of life's necessities. I do not want because I do not lack. You are my provider and sustainer of my life. My life is in your hands and you will provide what I need. Teach me to come to you when I am in need and to hear and obey your voice when it comes to making purchases. I tithe and I have an abundance of blessings from the throne room of grace.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Psalm 23 reflections: The Lord is my shepherd, Part 1

Reflections on the 23rd Psalm: "The Lord is my shepherd"
The Lord is my shepherd, that means I'm not in charge. I'm not leading the way, I am a sheep. I am a follower of the Shepherd (Jesus). I trust in the direction of my shepherd and his will for my life. I must learn to recognize the voice of my master in the dark when I can't see his leading. I must trust in his commandments. My shepherd knows the way and path that I must take because he has traveled down the path before me. He knows how to toughen my feet and fortitude for the upcoming journey. Their may be false shepherd voices in my life calling me to false paths and destinations but I must learn to follow and recognize my shepherd's voice and leading. My shepherd cares for me and he has loved me enough to lay down and sacrifice his life for mine. I and the shepherd are one and I love my shepherd. My shepherd loves me, cares for me, and is intently conerned with my well-being.
Have I acknowledged my need for a shepherd (Jesus)?
Have I allowed my shepherd, Kingship and Lordship in my life?
Have I allowed any false shepherds (the world, false thoughts, etc...) to distract me this week?
Chief Shepherd, I acknowledge you as Lord and Shepherd in my life. I trust in the way you are leading me. I trust in your leadership and guidance in my life. I purposely tune out any false voices in my life (false thoughts, media, t.v., people, etc...) that try to distract me from your voice and from the path you have laid out for me to journey.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obedience is tied to love

Immanuel, you have made it possible for me to know your incredible love - the same love you have for your Father and he for you. Help me to obey you so that I may experience the depth of your love as I learn to sink my roots in you. John 15:9-12 (Praying the Names of Jesus Journal by Ann Spangler).

Obedience is tied to love. We live in a world of few rules and open disobedience and rebellion. Jesus said that if we love Him we will obey His commands. The more we learn to obey the more we love and trust in Christ. Obedience is always a decision of our will and fortitude. Don't base obedience on a feeling but on the power of the word of God. Learn to obey out of love, not out of religion. Jesus obeyed out of His personal relationship with his Father (God). Jesus had complete trust in what the Father required of Him so obedience was a matter of a heartful trust based on a love and trusting relationship with his father. Our obedience should be based on that same love and trust relationship with our heavenly Father. Learn to develop a trustful relationship with God and allow His commands to be obeyed through you based on your trusting relationship with Him.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tuning out the noise of the world

"Learn to block out the noise of the world. Noise and idle distraction will always compete for My (God's) attention. I am the still small voice, I am the thunder, the burning bush. Learn to listen in the solitude of your heart. Contemplate, meditate, but above all listen. Listen to My (God's) voice, it is speaking. I am looking for and desiring a people that will listen to and heed and obey My (God's) voice."
1 Kings 19:12: And after the earthquake there was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire there was the sound of a gentle whisper.